My heart goes out to the families of those who lost their lives in the hurricane this week. Many lost their homes, businesses, power, and much more as a result of this horrific storm as it came up the Gulf Coast and swept through the Carolinas. The storm did a great deal of damage across many states with its powerful winds and flooding.
The storm had so much force that we had wind gusts in Ohio yesterday. One of those gusts broke a huge limb off of the neighbor’s tree. Unfortunately, the limb fell on his car and a piece of equipment he had parked in the driveway. No one was hurt, and it seems so small compared to those in the South who have lost much.
We have had stronger winds from thunderstorms earlier this year, so why did the limb suddenly fall? Most of our storms come out of the west, and the trees are used to the wind force from that direction. As they grow, they become stronger, almost as if they are leaning into the storms of life. But the hurricane winds came from the east, making the tree more vulnerable and unprepared. It was not able to withstand the force of the east wind, and a large limb crashed to the ground.
Many can withstand the storms of life from any direction, but some can only withstand the storms they are prepared for…the ones that come from the west. Where do you find your strength in a storm?
We have no reason to fear the storms in life because, with God by our side, we can withstand the strong winds of life from the east, the west, the north, and the south. He is our strong foundation and our strength.
When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away,
but the godly have a lasting foundation.
Proverbs 10:25